Welcome Back, we're happy you're here!
If this is your first time to our site, WELCOME it's GREAT to meet you! If you're returning, WELCOME thanks for coming back! That's what BHBFH is here to do. Meet the members of our community and foster connections with community members and local law enforcement. How?
With the help of many volunteers, we bring opportunities to our great community to give back. From our annual summer golf tournament with incredibly generous sponsors that help fund scholarships, all the way into the chilly winter months with our Badges N Kids Fund that funds our Christmas Shopping Event to ensure a Christmas to those who may not have one, BHBFH is supporting positive law enforcement and community interactions one connection at a time.
Have a look around our site. Whether you've come to give or you find yourself in a time of need, BHBFH is here for you.

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Learn how our Golf Tournaments fund Scholarships for youth in our community.